10034 Are you sure you want to stop the i.Share Server?\nCurrently %lu users are logged in.
10035 Are you sure you want to disconnect the user:\n%s
10036 Are you sure you want to\nremove this URL?
10037 Confirm Exit i.Share
10038 Are you sure you want to\nexit the i.Share server?
10039 Are you sure you want to\nremove all selected URLs?
10040 Use one continuous log file.
10041 Keeping %u log files.
10042 \Log
10051 Updating
10052 In use
10053 Waiting...
10054 Inactive resource
10055 Resource not found
10056 Server not found
10057 General Failure
10058 Enabled
10059 Disabled
10060 Initializing
10061 Ready
10062 Terminating
10063 Stopped
10064 In use
10070 i.Share Error
10071 Error Code: %lu
10072 Error Code: (L)%lu
10073 Error returned from i.Share.
10080 Unable to access this connection
10081 The password entered is incorrect
10082 Computer: %s\nResource: %s
10083 Unable to start the i.Share Server
10084 Unable to stop the i.Share Server
10085 Invalid Server Name
10086 Commas are not allowed in a server name.
10087 Server name cannot be blank.
10088 This operation is not supported on this platform.
10089 Try accessing this function though the Control Panel.
10090 Unable to save these settings
10091 The i.Share User Name should be filled in
10092 No i.Share servers were found.\nMake sure a server is started then press the Refresh button.
10093 Your previous i.Share server and resource are not currently available.\nEither make sure this resource is functioning or choose another resource.
10100 Dialing...
10101 Connecting...
10102 Authenticating...
10103 Disconnected
10105 Start Logon...
10106 Authenticated
10107 Network Logon...
10110 User Name
10111 Last Command
10112 Bytes Sent
10113 Bytes Received
10120 &Start Server
10121 &Stop Server
10122 &Enable iShare Client
10123 &Disable iShare Client
10124 &Open
10125 &Close Connection Manager
10130 Server name change will not take effect until next time the i.Share server is started.
10140 This is a %d day evaluation copy of\nArtisoft i.Share 3.0.
10141 This copy of i.Share 3.0 will expire on:\n%s
10142 This copy of i.Share 3.0 has expired!
10143 For information about the release version of i.Share 3.0 call us at (800) 846-9726 in the U.S. or Canada.
10144 Outside the U.S. or Canada, please contact your local Artisoft sales office.
10155 Artisoft i.Share 3.0 Server
10156 Artisoft i.Share 3.0
10157 Artisoft i.Share 3.0 Server - Stopped!
10160 Minimize window
10161 Show window
10162 Hide window
10163 Reconnect when needed
10164 User controlled
10165 Reconnect immediately
10166 Not in use
10167 In use by i.Share
10168 Coordinated with i.Share use
10169 - none -
10170 Connected to
10171 Reestablish Connection
10172 Maximum Users: %d
10180 Allowed
10181 Disallowed
10182 Select Restriction Notification File
10183 HTML document (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|All files (*.*)|*.*|
10184 htm
10185 Select i.Watch Data File
10186 i.Watch data (*.csv)|*.csv|All files (*.*)|*.*|
10187 csv
10188 Allow,
10189 Disallow,
10190 - default -
10191 Resolving i.Watch URL restriction addresses
10192 Please Wait - Exporting URLs
10193 Export file already exsits.\nAre you sure you want to overwrite this file?
10194 Seconds
10200 WSPAccept
10201 WSPAddressToString
10202 WSPAsyncSelect
10203 WSPBind
10204 WSPCancelBlockingCall
10205 WSPCleanup
10206 WSPCloseSocket
10207 WSPConnect
10208 WSPDuplicateSocket
10209 WSPEnumNetworkEvents
10210 WSPEventSelect
10211 WSPGetOverlappedResult
10212 WSPGetPeerName
10213 WSPGetQOSByName
10214 WSPGetSockName
10215 WSPGetSockOpt
10216 WSPIoctl
10217 WSPJoinLeaf
10218 WSPListen
10219 WSPRecv
10220 WSPRecvDisconnect
10221 WSPRecvFrom
10222 WSPSelect
10223 WSPSend
10224 WSPSendDisconnect
10225 WSPSendTo
10226 WSPSetSockOpt
10227 WSPShutdown
10228 WSPSocket
10229 WSPStartup
10230 WSPStringToAddress
10231 NSPCleanup
10232 NSPLookupServiceBegin
10233 NSPLookupServiceNext
10234 NSPLookupServiceEnd
10235 NSPSetService
10236 NSPStartup
10237 NSPInstallServiceClass
10238 NSPRemoveServiceClass
10239 NSPGetServiceClassInfo
10240 accept
10241 bind
10242 closesocket
10243 connect
10244 getpeername
10245 getsockname
10246 getsockopt
10247 htonl
10248 htons
10249 inet_addr
10250 inet_ntoa
10251 ioctlsocket
10252 listen
10253 ntohl
10254 ntohs
10255 recv
10256 recvfrom
10257 select
10258 send
10259 sendto
10260 setsockopt
10261 shutdown
10262 socket
10263 gethostbyaddr
10264 gethostbyname
10265 getprotobyname
10266 getprotobynumber
10267 getservbyname
10268 getservbyport
10269 gethostname
10270 WSAAsyncSelect
10271 WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr
10272 WSAAsyncGetHostByName
10273 WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber
10274 WSAAsyncGetProtoByName
10275 WSAAsyncGetServByPort
10276 WSAAsyncGetServByName
10277 WSACancelAsyncRequest
10278 WSASetBlockingHook
10279 WSAUnhookBlockingHook
10280 WSAGetLastError
10281 WSASetLastError
10282 WSACancelBlockingCall
10283 WSAIsBlocking
10284 WSAStartup
10285 WSACleanup
10286 __WSAFDIsSet
10287 WSARecvEx
10288 TransmitFile
10400 General Error
10401 Could not locate the correct function call.
10402 The system cannot find the file specified.
10403 Access denied.
10404 Invalid memory handle.
10405 There is not enough memory available for this operation.
10406 The specified network resource is no longer available.
10407 The password entered is not correct.
10408 The requested service has not been started.
10409 The specified user does not exist.
10410 The logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.
10411 Insufficient system resources exist to complete the request.
10412 This network connection does not exist.
10413 The specified username is invalid.
10414 The memory control block address is invalid.
10415 The service did not respond to the request in a timely manner.
10416 The request was aborted.
10417 The data area passed to a system call is too small.
10418 The specified computer cannot be found.
10500 Invalid session handle.
10501 Invalid channel handle.
10502 Dial up connection - Unable to establish connection.
10503 Dial up connection - Can not find connection in phone book.
10504 TCP/IP (PPP) not configured for connection.
10505 Dial up connection - Line busy.
10506 Dial up connection - Voice answer.
10507 Dial up connection - No answer.
10508 Dial up connection - No carrier.
10509 Dial up connection - No dialtone.
10510 Dial up connection - Error in command.
10511 Dial up connection - Authentication failure.
10512 Unable to access Winsock database.
10513 COM port already in use by another application.
10530 Invalid command sent/received.
10531 Invalid parameter.
10532 WSGVUTIL.VXD could not be found in the program directory.
10533 The user is already logged in.
10534 Attempting an operation on an invalid adapter number.
10535 Server: Error creating a thread on the server.
10536 Error reading registry value.
10537 Error writing registry value.
10550 The Client cannot continue this session - shut down your application.
10551 An i.Share resource has already been selected.
10552 The i.Share connection is already in use.
10553 The selected resource is not connected.
10554 The i.Share Client and Server versions are incompatible.
10555 The number of sessions (applications), that can use this i.Share server has been exceeded.
10556 i.Share is busy waiting for you to connect another application.\nBefore running this application close the Connection Manager window by clicking OK or Cancel.
10570 Problems writing new i.Watch information.
10571 Problems reading i.Watch information.
10572 The server won't start because your i.Watch data has been corrupted.\nAn empty datafile will be created.\nYou should configure i.Watch and start the server.
10573 Could not create a new i.Watch datafile.\nPlease check you disk drive and try again.
10574 Could not put URL into list.
10575 No internet resources found.\nPlease install TCP/IP and/or Dial-Up Networking.
10576 i.Share has detected an invalid serial number and verification key.\n\nPlease reinstall.
10577 New serial number and verification key are not valid.\nPlease enter the correct numbers and try again.
10578 This will not increase your maximum user count.\nDo you want to change to %d maximum users?
10579 The upgrade will take effect next time you restart this computer.
10580 Could not open file to import i.Watch data. The file may be open by another application.
10581 Could not open file to export i.Watch data. The file may be open by another application.
10585 Can no longer communicate with the i.Share server.\nPlease close all Internet applications.
10586 The number of users permitted for this i.Share server has been exceeded.\nPlease see the online help for upgrade information.
10587 The i.Share server is not bound to any protocol.
10588 Dial up connection - The COM port for this resource is in use, or is not configured for dial out.
10589 Dial up connection - The connection was disconnected by the host.
10600 Login
10601 Logout
10602 Server Started
10603 Server Stopped
10604 User logged off
10605 Session was dropped
10606 Server was stopped
10607 Terminated by Administrator
10608 %1!u!d %2!02u!:%3!02u!:%4!02u!
10609 Idle session timed out
10650 <body><h1>Access Denied by i.Watch\n</h1>Please contact your Network Administrator for access to this site\n</body>